Newsletter Sign-Up for email marketing

For Email Marketing Make your email sign-up form visible on relevant pages on your website, more importantly, the Blog page. Use either an embedded form or a Call-to-Action for people to click through to a dedicated sign-up page. Make sure that it’s in a prominent spot above the fold. The info about the possibility to sign up for the newsletter can be also placed in a pop-up window.

email marketing


Make the email sign-up easy

If you have a sign-up form on your site, make sure it’s easy to fill. Make it straightforward and resist the temptation to collect lots of demographic & lifestyle information at this stage. It will get in the way of collecting those email addresses. Always remember Short and Sweet is the King of Email Marketing.

Create great content for your subscribers

Good email marketing content deepens the connection with your audience – it could be a powerful subject line, your unique voice which gets your messages read, or niche-specific content your subscribers would find useful and shares with others which inspires referrals and word-of-mouth. What works is “value exchange” — your valuable information for your prospect’s valued time. Your subscribers need to know they can trust you and that you’re not a self-promoting spam-bot.

Multiple Call-To-Actions: Give readers a good reason to subscribe

We all need a little incentive to hand over our email address in Email Marketing, but we don’t need too much if we feel an affinity with the brand. Try these:-

  • Offer a discount on their first purchase
  • Explain what they’ll get: special offers, private sales, hints, and tips, magazine articles
  • Show them what they’ll get

Placement of the sign-up form

You’ve built the perfect form. Now where to place it? Will more people see it on the ‘Contact’ page or ‘About us’ page? Should you keep the newsletter signup on your homepage? Or put it in the sidebar too? Decisions, decisions! Here are some top places to try placing an email signup form (or two or three) on your site:

  • Top menu bar
  • The header of your site
  • In your top performing page
  • Sidebar
  • At the end of a Blog or Tutorial
  • Footer of the content
  • Popup/popover
  • Your bio/About Me page

Improve your website speed & user experience

Like a lot of other issues when it comes to websites and e-commerce, speed matters because Google says that it matters. On 09 April 2010, Google’s Webmaster Central Blog announced that “We’ve decided to take site speed into account in our search rankings.” In other words, faster web pages will rank higher on search engine results pages (SERP) than slower sites.

email marketing

improve website speed and user experience

A Gated Homepage

A gated homepage is when a person has to enter their email address (Email Marketing) on the homepage in order to gain entry to a website’s content. One a person does so, a cookie is kept in their browser so that they don’t have to fill in their email address again to get access. But it is not always appropriate to Gate your homepage. You should have a lot of in-depth content which people are dying to read for them to give their email address. The right time is important too! To find the right moment in Email Marketing.

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