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Bulk Email

bulk email services

What Is Bulk Email Services?

Bulk email service allows to sending of mass email or a large number of emails to their subscriber or customer in a time period. So using this service you can send one message or information to a large number of people at an affordable price. This service saves time to connect with people for related information of the company and Users can send thousand of the message by using bulk email services.

Bulk Email Includes

  • Email Newsletter

Email newsletter uses to send information to the customer related to change in product and services or update in the product of the company to provide the right information at the right time to the customer of the company. So they aware of it.

  • Auto Welcome Email 

Because of an auto, welcome email services company can send a welcome email to the visitor who visited the company website for information.

  • Promotional Email

Attracting customers by sending promotional bulk email to existing and new customers regarding new offers for products and services. So Its help to build communication between customer and company.

Why Use Bulk Email Services?

  • To target the right customer and audience for product and service.
  • Connect with a large number of people in time duration.
  • Communicate with existing customers for product offers and updates.

Benefits Of Bulk Email Services

  • Cost-Effective

Its cost depends on the number of emails you want to send at a time to your customer. The company decides to target customers to promote their product and services. Because of it, marketing can be done at a low cost.

  • High Customer Base

If compared to other direct marketing media bulk emailing can be more effective in reaching the target audience. Most of the people using email on a daily basis which helps to reach them.

  • Reach Global Audience

Help small and new businesses to reach globally with their product and services. Increase the company’s target audience in the global market also.

Feature For Bulk Email

  • Drag and drop editor.
  • Send now and letter.
  • Dynamic content blocks.
  • Link click tracking.
  • Email open reporting.

bulk email services


B2B Marketing, B2C Marketing, Business, Digital Marketing, E-commerce Email Marketing, Email Campaign, Email Hosting, Email Hosting Services provider In India, Email Marketing, InternetMarketing, Latest Technology, Lead Nurturing

3 Effective Email Tracking Tools (Opens & Clicks of email)

Email Tracking

email tracking

It is basically the tracking or monitoring sent, delivered, opens, clicks and bounce of emails to follow up with leads, job applicants, and partners. Email Tracking can be termed as the checking of metrics of your email marketing campaigns to improve their quality, efficiency, and effectiveness.

Working on Email Tracking


  • Email trackers are browser extensions from chrome, as it typically employs a tiny pixel image. Tiny pixel image of 1 x 1 attached with email is invisible to you.   email opens and clicks
  • But once you open the email, the image is loaded from a server and then the server records that data for tracking agency. These trackers vary in precision.
  • You can use this tool for recruitment and link building to save time and to know when to follow up with more emails.

Tracking Tools

email tracking tools, email tracking

There are many email tracking tools, three of them those who offer extra features and beyond basics are listed below:-’s unlimited email tracker offers emails open and clicks tracking as well as additional features. Features, for instance, are email scheduling, follow-up reminders, real-time notifications, and reports. It is a free and unlimited chrome extension that integrates seamlessly into Gmail. And it shows the exact number of clicks and opens, and help to enable or disable the monitoring of particular email addresses.


 MailTrack offers the same features as offered by but it adds a branding signature to each email sent. So recipients may find out that you keep track of opens and clicks. It offers some additional features too but with the paid plan.  Therefore, you can see the opens information directly in the inbox and you can see if a person opened an email once or twice.  email opens and clicks


This service allows you to monitor the way recipients interact with your attachments. The document can be viewed and how far a recipient has progressed in reading it. And, you can see the exact percentage of reading by this so that you can make changes if the recipients are responding to it half-way.

Disadvantages of Email Tracking

  • Images can be blocked by default
  • Blockers installed by users
  • Previews count as an open
  • It doesn’t work for groups

There are advantages and disadvantages of email tracking. Images can be blocked by default so that your pixel images that are invisible will not load. Blockers installed so that trackers are not able to see the email or cannot track your emails. It doesn’t work for groups as if you sent a single texted message to groups you cannot track the exact count of opens for a particular message.


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