Today more than 75% of marketers admit that they’re investing in email marketing than a couple of years ago. In the year 2014 $2 billion was invested in email marketing. With personal and business emails expected to grow to 333 million by 2022. You need an email optimization technique to target high ROI.
If your inbound marketing strategy is veering toward increasing investment in email marketing, are you focusing on emails alone, or else consider even more marketing techniques?
Readout to discover some result-oriented options to ensure that your email marketing achieves the perfect lift-off.
No matter how good your emails are, your campaign success depends on the quality of the recipient list. You’ll find that a 20 to 25% list of recipients disappears, due to unsubscribe, opting-out, or change their addresses.
What attracts a customer? The value you provide and above all, how you address their pain points. It’s possible to deliver customer satisfaction through a simple tactical move by creating blogs with search-friendly content customized to solve problems the customer is facing.
The moment customers sense that emails are irrelevant for their needs so they reach for the unsubscribe button. Irrelevancy occurs when you fail to read the audience in contrary to what they need. You have a problem when the right message pings to the wrong people and the wrong message disinterest the right people. Of course, we all know it’s impossible to gauge what thousands of customers want.
If you want to use the Email Optimization technique then luckily you can turn to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms. Predictive analysis (PA) is an AI-driven statistical modeling tool that studies consumer browsing behavior and predicts consumer behavior.
Using PA, you can better understand your customers. Once you know what attracts the customer, you can tailor the message to address individual needs directly. By using this method you can able to improve the Email Optimization Technique for your marketing campaign.